Should You Be Together Even If You Fight

Some couples begin their relationship well. They go out a lot, laugh a lot, get intimate one time too many. But as months pass, they begin to argue at even the pettiest of things. While others would say arguing is just part of being a couple, dating experts believe otherwise. Having a major argument with […]

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Avoiding Dating Violence

Sometimes, even the sweetest of romantic relationships can turn sour, or worse even violent. The National Center for Victims of Crime define dating violence as an “emotional, physical or mental abuse within the bounds of a romantic or potential relationship.” The signs that your romantic partner can be violent and abusive is visible even during […]

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A Relationship Advice from Dan Savage that Makes Sense

In an interview with The Huffington Post, dating advice columnist and gay rights advocate Dan Savage shared what arguably could be a universal relationship advice for anyone, whether you are gay or straight, young and old. Some singles have difficulty finding the right romantic partner for them. They feel like they are in a never-ending […]

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